“A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.” -John Barrymore
Alisha Foster Tuesday March 4th On dreams and goals, and why we think they have to be “hard” ↓ Thanks for reading my second newsletter ever! The first one didn’t make it to some inboxes—if you haven’t seen it yet, take a look here. I fixed the issue so that shouldn’t happen going forward. Now let’s get to it. — I’ve always thought going after a dream or big goal was reserved for the ambitious. I thought, to chase a dream, you’ve got to want it bad enough to sacrifice. To hustle, to push, and...
9 days ago • 2 min readOn hero-making moments, and not being afraid to cringe.
Alisha Foster Monday February 24th On hero-making moments, and not being afraid to cringe. ↓ Thank you so much for being one of the recipients of my first newsletter ever! If you feel like giving me feedback, hit reply. I would love to hear from you. Now let’s get to it. — I recently finished Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth. In it, he talks about the hero’s journey, a story pattern (and metaphor for the personal growth journey/growing up) that’s present in virtually all cultures. from USC...
11 days ago • 3 min read